1 - How this game works out?
The OWRS runs on the Lights to Flag sim, available at the Resources tab. The game starts on the 1950 F1 season. For each Grand Prix 1950 week, there will a save game available at the Resources tab. Each user has to run the OWRS sim with the save game available for the race and select their team's driver. As each grand prix session (free practice, qualfying and race) finishes, the user has to save its results in a txt file and submit it to the OWRS Comissioneer. The final GP result will be the product of all submitted results.
2 - Well, this is quite different from other LTF leagues.
Yep. In this way, the user will be able to micromanage the driver strategy in each race.
3- How the drivers contracts negociation works?
Each user has the right to submit 3 offers (wage + contract length for 3 different drivers). The result for the offer made will depend on other users's offers and each driver's ambition and loyalty.
4- How does the car development works for the first F1 season?
Only the manufactories teams (eg: Ferrari, Maserati, Gordini and Talbot) will be able to develop its own chassis and engine for the 1950 Season.
Each point of each chassis and engine rating (Aerodynamics, Mechanical Grip, etc) costs $1000 to develop.
Therefore, the factories teams has to manage the costs of chassis/engine development and drivers wage.
5 - How does the car development works for next season?
All teams will be able to develop its own chassis/engine for the next season. As used for 1950 season, each point of each chassis and engine rating (Aerodynamics, Mechanical Grip, etc) costs $1000 to develop.
6- How does the game works for the privateers team?
When the user chooses to play the game with a privateer team, he/she has the option to use a historical name from a privateer team of 1950 F1 Season or any other name he/she wants.
As their team will not be able to develop chassis/engine for the 1950 season, they will have to lease it from a factory team. The lease base cost for an average-7 chassis/engine (average of all ratings for chassis or engine) will be $1000 per car.
After one season using a leased chassis/engine, privateers teams gets the rights to use them next season. However, their ratings drops one point in all engine/chassis attributes.
7 - How does the team make money?
Each team receives for their drivers results in each GP. Also, factories teams receive cash from engine/chassis lease/
8 - Does a team get bankrupt?
Yes. Whenever a team get a negative balance equals to its start budget (-40k or -80k), it goes bankrupt.
If you have a doubt, please shout at the Discord Channel.